How can we combine toys with learning? Does your child enjoy their toys?
Toys for Learning
by Mali & Mama
We’re all guilty of going over-board on toys sometimes. Whether it’s your first child or not, special occasions can mean that toys and other gifts pile up and, before you know it, the house is cluttered with blocks and plastic!
The amazing thing about toys is that, provided you choose the “right” ones, they are an amazing tool for educating and inspiring your little one, as well as testing their skills!
Montessori toys are fantastic for a more low-stimulating environment, and these encourage your child to think, adapt, get creative and figure things out by themselves - great for cognitive function! But that doesn’t mean you can’t have any of those shiny, plastic, noisy toys either. Balance is key, and it’s important that toys serve a purpose. Sometimes, that purpose is simply joy. Just be sure that they are encouraging positive behaviour and engagement from your child.
Is it engaging? Does it make them think for themselves? Do they enjoy it? Will it encourage them to be patient or determined?
Up until the age of seven, learning through play is the key and, really, it’s the play we should be focused on - the “real” learning can come later when their more relevant skills have developed more.
Wait, does that mean I don’t need to teach them until they’re seven?!
Well… here’s the thing, at Mali & Mama we believe that your approach to learning will determine how successful a task may be. For some parents, the school system is too restrictive, not personalised enough and doesn’t cater for the child’s specific needs. That’s where we come in.
With our resources, Mali & Mama wants to encourage you to tackle learning in a relaxed and fun environment. Using our range of prints, you can select what is most suitable for you and your child with a combination of more practical elements too.
Example: you’re teaching your child to count using our Numbers and Counting posters. You set up the sheets alongside a range of toys/objects for your child to physically count while they learn. This helps the child to understand the concept of counting, as well as recognising the numbers in both their written forms.
Sometimes, less is more. Consider stripping back the cluttered toys and engaging in more real-life activities, such as preparing food, messy play, books, dressing up clothes, and utilising your local libraries, gardens, parks and beaches. No matter your location and budget, you can always find something to do - how blessed we are!
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